Marianne Hazlewood
Arisaema GriffithiiWatercolour on Fabriano 5,71 x 53 cmW Gordon Smith and Mrs Jay Gordon Smith Award Winner: £4,000 prize for work of merit£4,250.00 (framed) Postage using Pack & Send, incl. warranty (4% of the value of the artwork) on loss/damage UK - £372.48, Int.511.29I specialise in capturing detail, creating photorealistic depictions of plants, demonstrating their structure and beauty, producing modern botanical illustrations in various media. I work in watercolour, Japanese ink paste and screen-print. Each offers a different refinement on a close observational process. I work with found and grown plants, cultivating and documenting through the seasons, with a growing collection of interesting specimens. ‘Like walking into a greenhouse’, ‘surrounded by plant life’ are common descriptions of my shows, I love this idea of Greening the Grey and striking up a conversation about how important plants are to our ecosystems & mental health.Marianne Hazlewood Dip BI is a Scottish, RHS Gold award-winning botanical illustrator. Initially a graphic designer, Marianne subsequently studied botanical illustration at RBGE. She was a recipient of the VAS Open Eye Gallery Exhibition award in 2019 and had a solo show with the Open Eye Gallery in October 2020.